Sunday, October 3, 2010

A New Week Begins...Let's hope it is better than last week!

Though maybe it was not all bad. On Thursday, 9/30/10, I had my peripheral vision tested again - to help the doctor verify his initial diagnosis of pigment dispersion glaucoma. It may not be that after all, so he is comtinuing testing. I'm up for that, because perhaps he will come up with something less scary.  The technician was late, or had gotten caught up with something else, so the front desk person ran the test - or should i say, monitored the machine that did the test. When I asked if she could also check the eye pressure, she said she couldn't because the doctor was not there. I did not think that the doctorr needed to be there, so I asked her if she was a technician. She said yes, part of  the time. So I will somewhat suspicious of the results of the test - no matter what they are. The dr. mentioned I will probably get an MRI or a referral to a neuro opthalmologist. We'll see. (pun).

Then my regular doctor checked out my ankle and ordered an Xray since it has been 6 weeks since I injured it. Results due on Monday.

So, we'll see what the radiologist says. I've already checked out ankle rehabilitation exercises per the doctors orders. I also plan to go to the pool soon and start up a regular routine again.

And then I see the eye doctor on Tuesday. Perhaps he will determine that the eye pressure is a fluke. Anything is possible.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I found today

I found this link on's Over 50 and proud group and have been fascinated by the two birds that inhabit this box. I suppose it is just a temporary fascination, but I thought I would share it with you!

September 28, 2010 - And so I begin

I had thought about starting a blog many months ago. I've done some looking around at others and have enjoyed what other people have written. I've especially been impressed by my friend Junemoon's blog about being over 70. I think it will be a great spot to list my musings and a place to journal that I can also share with my family and friends - should they be curious as to what is going on in my mind right now. I had originally thought about blogging during our trip to the East coast for my sister Judy's memorial and some extended travelling but never thought up a name for the blog - like that would have made such a difference. Anyway,  life has continued on and it is time to share my thoughts with all those with whom I am connected. After all, I have much to share - just ask me! I hope you enjoy your time here!